Raising and Resolving Concerns
Good relationships within the school community give students a greater chance of success. There may be times when people have concerns or queries about what happens at school. If this happens, we would like to encourage an open dialogue with you. To hear your concerns and work out how to address them, we have an established grievance process.
Your child's teacher is usually your first point of call. The recommended way to contact staff members is via Daymap Parent Portal R-12 (or Class Dojo for P-6 students).
Whilst staff are not always available immediately, they will be in contact as soon as possible.
In the event of a concern please follow these steps:
- 1Where possible, make contact with the relevant staff member via Daymap Parent Portal (or Class Dojo P-6).
- 2Let the staff member know what you consider to be the issue.
- 3Allow a reasonable time for the issue to be addressed.
- 4Arrange a time to have a phone conversation or a face to face meeting with the relevant staff member if the issue cannot be resolved via the messaging platform.
- 5If you feel that the issue is still not addressed, please contact the school on 8242 8900 for further follow up by Leadership.
- 6If the matter has not been addressed to your satisfaction after speaking to Leadership, please contact the Principal’s Assistant who will refer the matter to the Principal as required.
- 7If the matter is still unresolved after following the school’s grievance process, you may choose to discuss the issue with the Department for Education Customer Feedback Unit by calling 1800 677 435.
Parents with a concern about our School Policies should:
- 1Arrange a meeting time with the Principal to discuss your concern.
- 2Allow a reasonable time frame for the issue to be addressed.
- 3If the matter is still unresolved, you may choose to discuss the issue with the Education Complaint Unit by calling 1800 677 435
Everyone should be treated with respect.
Meetings to discuss grievances will be suspended if any person behaves in an insulting or offensive manner.