Parents of Students in Year 6 in 2018

The Heights SchoolNews & Events

Is your son or daughter gifted? The Ignite Program is a selective entry program for gifted students entering Year 8 at The Heights School. Within the Ignite program there are opportunities for students to be accelerated, and participate in a range of enrichment activities to extend and stimulate their adept minds. They study, and form friendships with other like-minded peers, … Read More

STEM Tour 23rd November 2018

The Heights SchoolNews & Events

STEM TOUR – Term 4 School Volunteer Partnership Meeting Friday, 23rd of November, 2 – 3pm. All volunteers are invited to join us for a guided tour of our new STEM areas. This personal tour will be led by our Business Manager, Vicki Cook. A celebration afternoon tea will be provided so please bring along anyone you know who may … Read More

Krispy Kreme doughnut fundraiser – Update

The Heights SchoolNews & Events

The School Volunteer Partnership is running a Krispy Kreme doughnut fundraiser. Order forms have been sent home to families.  Additional forms can be collected from the Front Office or Finance Office. One dozen Original Glazed doughnuts for $20, one dozen Fundraiser Assorted (half/half) doughnuts for $23.  $5 from every box sold goes back to our school! Please return order form … Read More

ICAS tests during week 4

The Heights SchoolNews & Events

All students in year 2 – 12 will be involved in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS), the following test will be held during week 4: Tuesday, 14th August 2018 – ICAS Mathematics Test. Due to numbers there will be 3 sessions. Details will be in Monday’s Student Bulletin. All students are reminded to bring a pencil and … Read More