Cold Weather Uniform

The Heights SchoolNews & Events

Please ensure that students have the appropriate uniform to deal with the cold weather (when it actually starts). There are various uniform options for tops and bottoms. A couple of reminders, if students are wearing a long sleeve undershirt it should be navy and no hoodies are allowed. Outer coats, hats, gloves, scarves (navy coloured) etc can be worn to and from school, but not in class or at recess and lunchtimes.

Uniform infringements will be followed up and students may be asked to change and receive notes for home, especially for repeated occasions. If you have a problem obtaining the correct uniform, please make contact with your child’s Home Group teacher to discuss options.

Please refer to the school website for the Uniform Policy and Shop opening hours.

VISTA Athletics Carnival

The Heights SchoolSport

Congratulations to all students who represented The Heights School in the NE VISTA Athletics Carnival.

Huge congratulations to our Year 9 Girls team for winning the Year 9 Girls Champion trophy.

Student / Parent / Teacher Interviews

The Heights SchoolNews & Events

Student / Parent / Teacher Interviews are an integral part of The Heights School’s reporting procedures.
A Student / Parent / Teacher Evening has been planned for Week 1 of Term 2.

It is important that an interview is held for every student.

Interviews will be conducted between 2.30pm and 7.30pm, Wednesday 2nd May 2018

As well as the late evening on Wednesday 2nd May, the Primary Years teachers (R-6) will be holding interviews after school (until 5 pm) during Week 1.

Primary Years Specialist teachers will also be available for discussion or to answer questions at this time (no appointment necessary). They will be situated in the break out space (upstairs).

This is a great opportunity for parents and students to meet with teachers; reflect on their achievements from Term 1, discuss improvements needed and any other matters relevant to the child’s education.

Interviews will be a maximum of ten minutes in length. If more time is required, please arrange an interview time with the teacher for an alternate day.

To coordinate interviews we have employed an online booking system to assist you in securing your preferred interview times. The procedure is as follows:

Click on this link –

You will have two options. Please choose the link that is applicable to your child’s year level.

If you wish to see any of your child’s teachers, you need to secure an appointment time using this system.