We are delighted to inform you that The Heights School will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS Assessments again this year. ICAS is developed by UNSW Global, a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of New South Wales, with over 35 years’ experience in educational assessments.
ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling and Digital Technologies.
Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition. Every student will receive a certificate and an online result report. Top performers will be eligible for medals and are invited to attend special award ceremonies to have their academic excellence publicly recognised.
We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. The assessments are suitable for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment. Your child will be presented with high-quality, expert-developed questions, allowing them to apply their learning without the need for prior study or revision.
How To Apply
Further details, the process to apply and the Permission Form were sent in an email to all families late Term 2. Hard copies of this letter and form are available from Student Services. For students wishing to apply, please complete the Permission Form and return it to Student Services.
Payment is not accepted through BPoint or the Finance Office at the school. Please follow the steps below to complete purchase and payment for ICAS tests:
Online payment will close on Wednesday 31 July, 2019.
Please ensure to note your online receipt number on the permission form attached.